Eve Cider

Eve Cider, a hand lettered cider brand, strives to be warm and welcoming while at the same time inspiring passion and a zest for life. It is derived from the Garden of Eden storyline and its tagline is: Eve Cider – the forbidden fruit. I fully developed and executed this package design from the ground up.

The first step was to establish a vibrant color scheme. The four colors needed to not only represent each flavor profile, but also work well together to provide enough contrast. I knew I wanted to replicate symmetrical nature of the “v” in Eve. I also wanted the mark to feel very organic. I therefore hand lettered the logomark and illustrated the pattern surrounding it, making sure to include apples within it.

Because the inherent nature of the Garden of Eden was to be pure and simple, I knew that I didn’t want to create a complex package design. Instead, I wanted the flavors and descriptions to speak for themselves. I carefully researched these flavors based on each apple’s flavor profile and usage. Coupling organic, illustrated patterns with a warm color scheme make this cider eye-catching, friendly, and visually engaging.